Teams > Fishbulb Studio

Fairwinds Sailing and Recreation Society

Fishbulb Studio Team Members: Chris Norman, Brandon Bey, Dave Eisner

Fairwinds Sailing and Recreation Society is a registered not for profit society, where members enjoy shared ownership of sailboats. The approximate membership falls somewhere from twelve to sixteen people. The membership changes every year as people move on to other things, and new members come onboard.

The Fairwinds website serves three primary purposes. Online booking of their boats; marketing the organization to prospective members, where they can learn more about the association and download the application forms; and to allow members to pass information, download meeting minutes, manage a duty-skipper list, etc.

Our goal is to set out and remake the entire Fairwinds website with additional functionality and updated code and design. Using new software such as PHP5 and mySQL 4 we hope to end with a successful project and a system that can be modified and ported to other systems and products in the future.

The Fishbulb Studio Team consists of three members Dave Eisner, Brandon Bey, and Chris Norman. All 3rd year students of the Camosun College Computer Systems Technology Program, we are working to apply our gathered skill and knowledge to benefit and enter the computing workforce.

In conclusion this will be a valuable learning experience for the whole team, something that we can take with us and will serve us in our future careers. We also hope that what we provide our client will not just be satisfactory, but will benefit the society and its members, for years to come.

Site design by Dan Beland.