Retirement Module
Technetium Development Team
Kerri Warnes Jason Rider Dawn Evans

Corporate Client
 Avue Technologies
  Canada Corporation

Project Abstract

The Technetium Development Team is developing a Retirement Module for Avue’s Digital Services (ADS), a subscription based online Human Resource Management tool. ADS is an enterprise web application built on J2EE technology hosted on Sun Solaris servers and backed by an Oracle application database server.

The module will be fully integrated within the existing ADS service to support a Call Center that enables Avue’s clients, mainly US Federal Government Agencies, to provide retirement counseling to their employees.

Avue’s clients interact with the ADS system by using a web browser to access the application. Many human resource services are currently offered by ADS, while more services are under development. The Retirement Module is the next service that will be offered to Avue’s clients.

The development of the Retirement Module enables HR professionals in US Government agencies to shift their focus from transaction processing, to strategy development and workforce management.

The module will enable employees of Avue’s clients to have easy online access to retirement information, allowing them to ask questions, initiate retirement proceedings, and to create retirement scenarios simply by using a web browser. Retirement counselors and managers in the Human Resource departments will use the module to review the requests submitted by employees, to track, and to manage these cases.

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