GeoBoard Team
Stan Khan Aaron Peeke-Vout Brandon Devnich

Corporate Client
 Pacific Forestry Center 

Project Abstract


GeoBoard is a stand-alone component of a larger National Forestry Information System vision. GeoBoard provides registered users the opportunity to make submissions to a map layer. Submissions will appear as features within a map layer. Geospatially accessed data through map layers is a well-established technology, and is a useful means of obtaining information. The addition of features to a map layers is usually limited to authorized personnel within the organization holding the map layers. This limitation potentially prevents fully qualified users from making submissions to map layers. These submissions could potentially be a great benefit to other users. The IRMS group at the Pacific Forestry Center, along with a Camosun College Capstone team, have designed GeoBoard to bridge the gap between fully qualified users, and their ability to make submissions to map layers.

The GeoBoard application will be a web-based interface for posting and administering submissions. Submissions are composed of the following:

Information about the submission (known as metadata)
One or more resources, such as:
  • Multi-part objects
  • Photos
  • Text
  • Videos
  • Audio files
And Information about each specific Resource

Registered users will make submissions they would like to publish through GeoBoard. The content of all submissions will be reviewed before posting. If the submissions are appropriate, the object will be deployed to GeoBoard's map layer. The submissions will appear as features on a map layer and will be accessed using an Open GIS Consortium map browser (CubeView, GeoExplore).

Team Members:
Faculty Advisor: