Since 1993, ACD Systems has enjoyed growth and prosperity in the software
industry, and it continues to be a strong, dynamic and competitive
company on the cutting edge of technology.
Near the end of a product's development cycle, the Quality Assurance
(QA) Department takes on the task of thoroughly testing it. Any defects
they find are reported to the product's Team Lead using a defect-tracking
tool called TestTrack, then the manager assigns the repairs to one
of their team's developers.
The company's Intranet site provides a means of communication between
departments, and QA would like this defect information to be completely
up to date and available at any time. They have proposed an internal
web site that will be connected to TestTrack's database as well as
another database containing information on each project's team members.
This information will be constantly updated in real-time, providing
managers with a clear view of a particular project's progress.
The site will also give developers the opportunity to create new projects
and more easily extract information from TestTrack, as well as produce
graphs of a product's defect status. |