LocalDir.com is an Internet directory for finding businesses, facilities,
health care, etc in your local area. LocalDir.com is currently representing
businesses, organizations, and facilities in the British Columbia
Area. The directory is growing and continuing to expand, and LocalDir.com
would like to expand the directory to include listings outside the
provincial area, eventually leading to an international presence.
The replacement system must enable the projected growth of LocalDir.com
to be easily maintained, and implemented, as well as add new features
to make daily operation of the system easier for administration.
Problem: A friend is in the hospital in Vancouver, you are in Victoria
and want to send a gift to your friend.
Solution: Log onto localdir.com, find a gift shop or flower shop in
the area and have them delivered.
Seems easy, especially now that Localdir.com covers a larger area,
includes over 20,000 businesses and organizations and is more user
friendly. |