The GeoExplore Capstone team has continued the
development of the GeoExplore Client, formerly called
the IWC client. This application retrieves and combines
maps and other geographical data from external sources
using XML and Java servlets. The GeoExplore Client is
developed entirely in Java, and uses Java
WebStart for distribution over the Internet.
Sponsored by the NFIS project office at the Pacific
Forestry Centre, the GeoExplore Capstone team has
been enhancing the GeoExplore Client. The enhancements
include improving the user interface, revising
source code, and adding help features.
As part of its work, the GeoExplore team was required
to learn the development environment. The existing
development environment includes Concurrent Versions
System (CVS) used for version control, ANT,
an XML-based build application, and JUnit, a
regression testing framework for developing unit tests
in Java.
For successful completion of the project, Java
coding skills were essential since existing code needed
updating, and new classes were being added. Organization
and teamwork were of the utmost importance, as
the GeoExplore Capstone team worked very closely with
each other on a number of tasks, which included
modifying a large code base.
The GeoExplore Capstone team would like to thank
their Project Sponsor Rick Morrison, instructor Ken
Hartmank, and Faculty Advisor Rob Thorndyke for an
excellent experience and successful project.