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Transparent Project Tracking System
  Erik Browning
Alan Curtis
Carrie Williams


Corporate Client
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Client Services Branch

Project Abstract

The British Columbia Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management oversees the distribution of provincial funds to projects. The Transparent Project Tracking System will provide them with a powerful tool for collecting information about those projects from project managers all over the Province.

The Transparent Project Tracking System will simplify the process of monitoring project spending and performance. Administrators within the Ministry will be able to quickly create complex queries on the collected information to determine which regions are receiving the most funding, which projects are meeting their goals, and which projects are not.

Not only will the Transparent Project Tracking System make the jobs of the Administrators easier, but it will also simplify submission of status reports for the Project Managers. The system will automatically remind Project Managers of upcoming report deadlines, inform them of policy changes, and provide a complete set of up-to-date project guidelines.

In addition, the public may use the system to determine how the Ministry is dispensing taxpayer dollars. The Transparent Project System will provide accountability to the public, a goal of the current administration.



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