Faculty Supervisor:
Shohreh Hadian
The Fedadmin project will develop a web-based interface for managing DACS (http://dacs.dss.ca) federations. DACS, the Distributed Access Control System, provides lightweight, distributed access control across a federation of Apache HTTP servers. DACS is currently configured by hand-editing text (XML) files on the server. FedAdmin will replace this function with an integrated suite of web forms.
FedAdmin will be designed using the Extreme Programming methodology. Business requirements have been written by the customer in the form of user stories, which will be broken into tasks by the development team. Stories have been given a priority level between one and three. Stories at a level one priority will be completed in the first and second iterations, while stories at lower priorities will either be completed in the third iteration or are defined for future consideration. Constraints and guidelines have been defined to deal with technical considerations and limitations.
User stories have been defined for the following topics:
The layout of the web interface is currently based on an initial wire frame provided by the client. The common layout of having a navigation panel on the left side with the content on the right side will be used. Breadcrumbs will be displayed above the content so users can keep track of their navigations.
The look and feel will be similar to the already existing DACS site at https://fedroot.com.
FedAdmin will be made in a highly modular fashion. This will allow extensible functionality, additional languages, customized styles, and the ability to grow or shrink with the size of the system it is supporting. FedAdmin also allows for customization of errors and error handling in the form of error pages and re-direction.