Momentum Systems Group
- Jonathan Quail | Andrew Bradford | Jeremy Foster | Gareth Gilson
Momentum Systems Group is developing a Timesheet and Attendance System (TAS) module for Avue Digital Services (ADS), a subscription-based service that allows US Federal Agencies to manage their HR processes online. ADS is an enterprise web application built on J2EE technology hosted on Sun Solaris servers and supported by an Oracle Application Database server. TAS is being developed for Avue’s internal use, although Avue has expressed interest in marketing the module to their clients in the future.
- Michael Kelly | Ahn Phan | Michael Walts
Canadian Asset and Estate Inventory Group (CAEIG), headed by Mr. Frank Wright, is a startup company that has found a niche in the asset management for insurance and estate purposes market. CAEIG’s business plan includes the development of systems and software to digitally record, manage, and report on, its customers’ assets and provide them with a secure inventory on optical media. This secure inventory, secure in that once placed on the media it will remain as a read-only copy of the customer’s assets, will be designed to be acceptable to both insurance companies for claim resolution, and to lawyer’s for purposes of bequeathment upon the customers passing.
ARA Consulting
- Andrew Burrows | Ryan Charpentier | Aaron Baird
This project is being prepared for Dr. Darrell Wick on the Product Support Platform (PSP) browser client. The Product Support Platform is a forum for the posting of problems encountered with Siemens product lines and their solutions. It is also commonly used by Siemens to distribute software and firmware upgrades, using the ability to add files to a posting. Currently Siemens is using a version of the PSP that is downloaded and installed on a person's computer. It then interacts with a server at Siemens that gives them the postings and attachments they can view. We are developing a new client for the PSP that will be browser-based. This new client will complement the older client because it will have all the functionality of the existing client, but be accessible from a browser. This will result in a more portable and lightweight system.
AC Systems
- Christa Bull | Andrew Clow
Falcon-Software is a leading web design and multimedia firm specializing in web-based solutions for companies across North America. A new service they are planning to provide their customers is a Web based Tracker and Lead Generation Tool (Web Tracker).
Aqua Solutions
- Nicholas Steele | Mika Katsumata | Anthony Gabriel
Common IT Services (CITS) provides information technology support services for the provincial government of British Columbia. As part of this mandate CITS looks at new and upcoming technologies to see how they can be used to benefit their clients. This project is to provide a proof of concept implementation using several of these new technologies.
CMD Line Productions
- Cesar Pinilla | Michael Paterson | Daryl Frewing
Latitude Geographics wishes to develop a lightweight viewer to serve the needs of non-enterprise users. The new viewer will utilize Macromedia's Flash as a user interface to allow a much higher level of customization than the enterprise edition. In addition, the new interface will be built with a solid framework to support additional tools and features to be implemented at a later date.
- Brad Lewis | Lee McAllister | Ian Muir
Conference Manager (www.confmanager.com) is a web based system that supports the on-line management of conference registration, payment, abstract submissions, and hosting of related web pages. Originally designed as an E-Learning application with Mercurial Communications, Conference Manager is currently written in Cold Fusion and has evolved over several years.
Sahara Consulting
- Aaron Mocellin | Tasha Schermerhorn | Jon Storry
The Fedadmin project will develop a web-based interface for managing DACS (http://dacs.dss.ca) federations. DACS, the Distributed Access Control System, provides lightweight, distributed access control across a federation of Apache HTTP servers. DACS is currently configured by hand-editing text (XML) files on the server. FedAdmin will replace this function with an integrated suite of web forms.
- Kevin Dika | Damir Gorjanc | Adam Flesher
The RIGS (Registering Images in Geographic Space) project will aid in the collection and analysis of existing geographic information. This project will help decrease the retrieval and storage difficulties presented in existing physical informational stores, as well as aid in future GIS projects. The target market for this project will initially be for forestry management, but can easily be incorporated in other fields such as geological applications, city planning and analysis, oil field exploration and planning, and any other field that have archived hard copies of maps.
- Mike Watkin | Kelly Darwin | Aaron Stacey
Silicon Zen is a local programming company that requires a web service that can be easily modified to be used across multiple industries by multiple clients. The first iteration of the system will be called 'Salon Tools'. Salon Amici will be the first client to use the new system.
The VIHA Student Group
- Jian hai Wu | Cam Inouye | Shalini Ramasamy
The project being built for VIHA is called the "Vancouver Island Health Authority Network Monitoring Project", henceforth referred to as NetMon. The NetMon project will provide the Vancouver Island Health Authority and its customers with accurate metrics regarding the WAN network uptime and availability.